When Will We Discover Faith Frequency and Put it on the Scientific Periodic Table We Learned in School?


“It’s faith, its faith.  It’s the flower of light in the field of darkness that’s giving me the strength carry on.”

-Shepherd Book, Firefly

It is now widely known and accepted that everything has a frequency, a rate of vibration. From a rose petal to a table, to a ping pong ball to a dragonfly, to happiness, cheer, and gratitude, to everything, vibrating energy is the cataclysmic plasma that portfully manifests what we see and experience here on earth.

It is also widely known and accepted that everything expresses and communicates in its own way. From plants expressing and communicating in real-time as proved by the late Dr. Ed Wagner through “w waves” and wave patterns, to motion, speech, and other modes of interpersonal communication and expression, society has now learned that expressions like “dumb as a rock” is a fallacy. That rocks, plants, and other beings previously deemed inanimate and “not alive” are very much alive and have thoughts, feelings, memories, and spiritual gifts as well as abilities. Additionally, that emotional states are real energetic frequencies with respective, certain wave arches and structures, sounding in unique, musical notes, pitches, and patterns.

However, of all the travelers to and fro through the great prism of manifestation of
all-that-is into this and other dimensions, I so wonder what the divine rate of energetic vibration is for FAITH. How it moves…what faith’s calling card is energetically….how it’s structured… How faith translates…

There is great merit in this inquiry. For in truth, faith should be listed on the scientific periodic table.  Maybe put faith next to GOLD, the apple not falling far from the tree. This is because faith has its own structure, physical and spiritual. Faith=belief energized.

The now-organic question is this… Why can’t faith be scientifically measured, studied, energetically and otherwise from a scientific standpoint? Why can’t faith be mapped? Tapped into from a frequency-based standpoint? After all, we can now isolate patterns and designs of frozen water crystals with different energetic frequencies due to the great work of Dr. Masaru Emoto and others, crystals having different frequencies depending on the content of the thoughts imbued within them. So why can’t we explore and map out faith and see its energetic designs too?

True scientists know that spirit and science are one. Moreover, that when we energize beliefs, the beliefs energize us right back, a holy communion.  Faith being a way to energize the world by the light within us, and which can be shared.  -Faith being an element as well as “soul-ar” powered energy.

So why can’t we build a microscope, telescope, or other modality to measure this spiritual realism, FAITH?  Maybe we can. In recorded studies, could we use digital film/video capture energetic, auric footprints of faith intensities, as a mechanism to study faith elementally and energetically? Could electric modes that record heat measurements be used to compute important variables and factors relative to manifestation? What other ways could we use to explore faith from a non-religious standpoint, a spiritual and physical energetic frequency standpoint? For there is great truth in “the power of faith” which can be a powerful force in our lives.

Can you imagine how we could use valuable, measured readings of “faith?”  -This element…  This energy…  This best of both worlds!

Can you imagine how manifestation could skyrocket in occurrence?  For example, when our faith measurements are low, we amp it up.  -Increase the amplitude based on faith-measured empirical findings.

The time has come to put faith on the map where it belongs: the scientific periodic table. 
-To study, celebrate, and use its scientific qualities… properties… characteristics…. structure.  Maybe even discover strains of faith and hybrids thereof, faith being an element under-explored by scientists and in modern day.

But to do so, we must explore and learn about faith in a whole new way.  A new way that has never been done before. We have to be open-minded to the reality that vast mysteries are waiting to be discovered.

We need to acknowledge that faith is a physical-spiritual, scientific element with real-life, measurable implications…having commanding physical and spiritual qualities and possibilities… instead of only associating it with organized religion. 

And we need to go exploring. We need to think big, bold, and creatively about the world in which we live in order to reach new heights of scientific and spiritual advancement in faith. We need to think outside of the box in order to realize that no container holds it all, all of the maker’s truths that reside within us. We need to realize and then teach our children and grandchildren that faith is both a noun and a verb, an element and energy that can be used like a spiritual windmill to fuel manifestation in our life. If only we will jump in and explore to figure it out.

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